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Stevia - 98% Pure Reb A - Pharmaceutical Grade Leaf Extract (Stevia rebaudiana) - 300-X Concentrate

Stevia - 98% Pure Reb A - Pharmaceutical Grade Leaf Extract (Stevia rebaudiana) - 300-X Concentrate

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Stevia is a natural sweetener and sugar alternative that is over 300 times sweeter than sugar. There is no promotion of tooth decay when using Stevia and there are ZERO calories per serving! Reb A Stevia is a natural extract which comes from the stevia plant that can be used as a sweetener in foods and beverages. Stevia does not create blood sugar spikes and is diabetic safe.


  • Reb a stevia extract 98%
  • Safe for Type I & II Diabetics
  • GMO-Free - Contains NO Genetically Modified Organisms and/or Ingredients
  • No chemical processing as associated with Splenda®, NutraSweet® or Saccharin
We provide only the highest quality Stevia available on the market today.

Nutritional Information

Suggested Use: Sweeter than table sugar. Measure and use lighter than you would regular sugar. Start with using a small amount, then adjust until desired sweetness.

Nutritional Facts

Ingredients: Rebaudioside A Natural Stevia Extract

Net Wt.: (12 oz) 340 gms *multiply by size option

High Intensity Powder Sweetener System

98% Reb A – (Not Less than 95%)

NO ARTIFICIAL ANYTHING - Sweeteners, colors, flavors or preservatives.

This product does not contain peanuts, tree nuts, milk, egg, wheat, soy or gluten. Contains allergen free corn extracts. Reb A Stevia Extract Sweetener has a very low glycemic index.

All ingredients are FDA approved and GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) rated.

Re-Seal after use. Store in a Cool / Dry place.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews

Ultra high quality and delivered quickly. Very happy with the purchase.

Tastes Great, Concentrated

Use 4-5 times per day. So concentrated that 12 oz. lasted me just over 2 years. Reordering now.

Misleading Label Makes Great Product Look Bad

Been using this stevia for 3 years or so. Great product. BUT... for THREE years I've been irritated that the label is misleading and may be convincing people that the product is POOR QUALITY. So they won't buy it.

COME ON, PFL. FIX THE LABEL. It says "<= 300x Sweetness of Sugar".

Please LEARN SOME (3rd grade) MATHEMATICS.

You mean DON'T mean "less than or equal". You mean "greater than or equal". Your stevia extract is 300 times as sweet, or maybe even MORE than 300 times as sweet as an equivalent weight of sugar.

You need to use the GREATER THAN OR EQUAL symbol on your label. NOT the LESS THAN OR EQUAL symbol. I can't type that symbol here 'cause the font is not available. But "300x >= Sweetness of Sugar"

The way YOU guys write it, your product might be 7x sweeter than sugar. Might be 2x sweeter than sugar. Might be 1/2 as sweet as sugar. Remember your grade school math, please.

Do you really want to mislead people this way and DISS your own product? I think not. Smarten up. Fix the label.

Sweetner without the extra crap

This is extremely high grade and a very little bit goes a long ways. one tsp will sweeten 6-10 gallons of liquid ( such as Ice tea). I recommend u add small amounts like 1/16 tsp per gallon and add 1/16 if you desire any more..

Really clean sweet taste

This Stevia Reb A is very pure. I can't detect any aftertaste. Plus it's very concentrated. Really seems 300X sweeter than sugar as delivered (unlike many competitive products that... after mentioning that stevia (or the Rebaudioside A component) is 300X sweeter than sugar... THEN deliver to you a product diluted with other ingredients that is not nearly that sweet.

Because this product IS concentrated, it's actually a good deal economically on sweetening. You just have to be sure not to use too much.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult your healthcare provider before use.