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Borax - All Natural Sodium Borate 10 mol Mineral Granular Powder 40-200 Mesh

Borax - All Natural Sodium Borate 10 mol Mineral Granular Powder 40-200 Mesh

Regular price $18.24 USD
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Borax is not a soap or detergent, but rather a salt of boron. Borax is a non-synthetic chemical and is mined directly from the deserts of California and Turkey as a mineral salt. Also known as sodium tetraborate, Borax is 99% pure while being safe to use for various household and personal applications.


  • Naturally Mined Mineral Powder
  • Ideal Source of Naturally occurring Boron
  • 10 mol Borax provides better water solubility
  • Has been used for centuries as a household cleaner and for home remedies

We supply only the highest quality, raw ingredients available. Borax is GMO-Free (Contains NO Genetically Modified Organisms and/or Ingredients). We have retail sizes available for individual use, as well as bulk packs at wholesale pricing.


The Question: What is the difference in the type and/or quality of Borax, supplied by PFL (Prescribed For Life) versus the 20 Mule Team Borax from my local grocer or other suppliers?

The Answers (Regarding the "Others")

1) There are many forms, concentrations and blends of Borax and it is difficult to determine which kind is being offered in the package that you may be purchasing. In fact, most are called by the exact same name, but may have many variables in their chemical composition and processing (see for various chemical compositions and blends).

2) In the USA, there is only 1 commercially available grade, Technical Grade, which although it is 99% pure, it is still the lowest rated grade and is not FDA approved for food or beverage use.

3) Commercially packaged Borax is not handled as a Food ingredient, but as a detergent/cleaning aid and, therefore, is unregulated in its processing and packaging and is NOT packaged in a Healthy, Food Safe environment and NOT packaged in Food Safe approved containers.

4) The Possibilities - It could be contaminated by rodents (their hair and/or eliminations), dust, dirty packaging equipment, product can spill and be swept up and placed back into the packaging line, it is hauled to packaging plants in tanker and trailer cars, along with any number of potential ways to be contaminated. This is not packaged with the respect of being a Food or Consumable product. To these packagers - it is only a cleaning product and very little concern is placed on how clean the facility or packaging process may be!

Regarding the PFL Handling and Packaging Process:

1) The Borax product that we supply is 10 Mol, sodium tetraborate decahydrate (see toxicity information below, obtained from Wikipedia).

2) Our product is purchased from a nutritional ingredient supplier and is supplied in 50 lb. food grade plastic bags, not open bulk containers or dump trucks.

3) Our product is not a blend and has NO additives or other ingredients.

4) Our packaging is done in a Licensed and Approved Food Handling facility and the product is packaged in an approved Food Grade container.

5) You are assured of NO possible outside contamination of your product!


Yes, our price may be bit higher than the grocer or other commercial brand that packages their Borax in a laundry/cleaning aid packaging, but we handle our Borax like we would your food!

If you don't mind the possibility of the above listed potential contaminants in your Borax, then by all means purchase the cheaper product from them. After all, they do not have the expense, nor do they have to take the care to guard the integrity of your Borax as we do.

Excerpt from Wikipedia:

Borax, sodium tetraborate decahydrate, according to one study, is not acutely toxic. Its LD (median lethal dose) score is tested at 2.66 g/kg in rats, meaning that a significant dose of the chemical is needed to cause severe symptoms or death. The lethal dose is not necessarily the same for humans. On pesticide information websites it is listed as a non-lethal compound and of no hazardous concern.

First registered in 1946 by the EPA as an insecticide with various restrictions, all restrictions were removed in February 1986 due to the low toxicity of Borax, as published in two EPA documents relating to boric acid and borax.

EPA has determined that, because they are of low toxicity and occur naturally, boric acid and its sodium salts should be exempted from the requirement of a tolerance (maximum residue limit) for all raw agricultural commodities.

Sodium tetraborate decahydrate has no known hazard issues.

Other Uses:

  • Is found in some commercial vitamin supplements
  • Fluoride detoxification and decalcification
  • Traditionally used to coat dry-cured meats such as hams to protect from becoming fly-blown during storage
  • As an effective Anti-fungal foot soak
  • Treatment for thrush in horses' hooves
  • As a micronutrient fertilizer to correct boron-deficient soils

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Krista Q

Will be back! Bringing friends!

Safe to consume

Boron is deficient in the food supply, boron is important for the body

Safe and effective food grade Borax

As I am doing a protocol that calls for soaking in a tub with borax and Epsom salts, I wanted a product that was pure without any contaminants and this fit the bill.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult your healthcare provider before use.